Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Star Wars: Episode III Leakage Spread in the Internet

The final chapter of the saga has gone over the internet's dark side. According to the source, Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith has been leaked onto a major file-sharing network just hours after opening in theatres. Copies of the film which was first shown in theatres earlier have been posted to the BitTorrent file-sharing network – a new and increasingly popular technology that allows users to download larger files much more quickly.

According to website, a print was leaked and the movie was watermarked with timecodes on every frame, the workprint was made available as a DVD-R by a pirate group named VISA (interesting huh?). I wonder when the DVD or HDTV version is coming out. Any idea folks?

Note: I have watched the (real)movie and no doubt it was excellent(two thumbs up to George Lucas)! Besides, nothing beats the original.:)

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